Gift for teacher - free printables
**UPDATED: FREE digital downloads for Teacher gifts available here in my shop.
My little one is graduating from kindergarten. People say they cry that first day when they watch them turn and walk into the school, I didn't even get that chance because our little girl turned and ran so quickly to the school out of sheer joy, that in one blink I missed the moment.
But there have been many days, even last week, when I almost well up with tears, when I watch her skip to the bus. I have to suppress that feeling of mother-bear-force that wants to grab her and never let her out of my sight.
Anywoo, I'm done with my possessive ramblings.
For the last day of school I tried to think of something for her wonderful teacher.
And this is what we came up with . .
A little quote in a 5x7 picture frame.
I found this really great free printable at She does amazing work and has really awesome free printables. I would love to learn how to use a computer and graphic design the way she does.
I then added my own little doodle of children to personalize it. I kept the bitsycreations logo on the picture too, so she receives the credit she deserves.
I then printed it, trimmed it to a 5x7, and inserted it into a simple $1 frame. Big spender, I know. :)
I LOVE ribbon.
My little one posing with her present for her teacher. I know what you are thinking, she's pretty cute, huh?
And here are mine with the added children doodle.
Print this on regular computer paper or card stock and then trim down so you have two 5x7s. (Click on image and save to your computer)
Or if you would like an 8x10, print this on regular paper or card stock and then trim a little to fit an 8x10 frame.
(Click on image and save to your computer)
Anything wonderful my child does I take full credit for it, while any bad behavior they exhibit, I say they were born with it, such as their stubbornness or temper. :)
But there have been many great people that have influence my children, and this quote is so true, it takes wonderful people with lots of love, patience and genuine joy for children that change them, and teachers are at the top of that list.
But there have been many great people that have influence my children, and this quote is so true, it takes wonderful people with lots of love, patience and genuine joy for children that change them, and teachers are at the top of that list.