Stick figures at their finest
What Is Spring Time Doodles?
It started as simple stick figures and has become so much more! Come, pull up a chair, and enjoy free printables for children (paper puppets, coloring pages, Don't Eat Pete games, & more). Take a look at my shop for digital prints, calendars, how-to-draw books, and more. Or get inspired to draw your own doodles by watching some drawing tutorial videos.
What Is Spring Time Doodles?
It started as simple stick figures and has become so much more! Come, pull up a chair, and enjoy free printables for children (paper puppets, coloring pages, Don't Eat Pete games, & more). Take a look at my shop for digital prints, calendars, how-to-draw books, and more. Or get inspired to draw your own doodles by watching some drawing tutorial videos.
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About Spring
Hello! My name is Spring, yep it really is. I started my first drawing blog in 2011 as a way to stay in touch with friends and family and share coloring pages and family portraits. It has snowballed into so much more. I have branched out to drawing calendars, digital art and a drawing book. I call it my "midnight hobby" as I have to squeeze in drawing between 4 children, running 2 businesses with my husband and cooking. Just kidding, I am a terrible cook and use my bread, I try to make, as a doorstop. God can't bless me with all the gifts, he had to spread them out.