family portraits - before and after - sketch process
These are some of the recent family portraits I have drawn. I have started to take pictures during the process. Sometimes I send the customer a quick picture of the portrait after I sketch it to get their approval before I add pen and finish editing on my computer. Lots easier to change anything (hair style, etc) when it's still just pencil.) To see the full process from beginning to end check out this post.
But mostly I love to take pictures during the process to see the before and after. Sometimes I love the pencil drawing even more than the "after" picture. :)

This simple family picture is one of my favorites.

Another one of my favorites ever (yes, I have lots of favorites)
I took this picture after I added pen to the sketch.
I LOVE when a client sends me a picture of their finished portrait in a frame. This sweet family was celebrating the dad's graduation from pharmacy school. They had a big party with this picture as a display. Lots of fun decorations, including candy inside prescription bottles. Ha ha, looked so awesome.
One of my favorite families. Their beloved cow made it in the picture.
I loved the challenge of fitting 22 people, 3 chickens, 1 fish, 1 bird, 1 stuffed shark animal and lots of fun inside jokes in this picture.
Um . . . sometimes the whole family doesn't fit on one piece of paper. Oops.
I love to draw portraits of people I know. Love this rad family.
Quite a few of my orders recently have been gifts for grandparents, a way to have a picture of everyone together when they can't all gather together in person. I hope these new grandparents enjoyed this portrait.
I have changed my pricing on my etsy shop. I kept going back and forth wanting to offer a reasonable price but also enough to cover the time I spend working. The price is based on how many people are in the portrait. :)
Thanks to these sweet families for letting me share their portraits.