Custom family stick figure pictures
UPDATE: This post is one of my first posts and still one of my highest looked at. If you like these pictures, check my more recent picture . . . custom family portraits 2013, custom family portraits 2014 & custom family portraits 2015. I like looking back and seeing how my drawing & editing style has changed/improved.
Now that Christmas is over I can finally unveil some pictures I drew. Hopefully I am not ruining any surprises here.
My absolutely beautiful niece, Ali, is almost 18, is that even possible? For a Christmas present for her friends she asked me to draw the following picture. I have know most of these girls since they were in the 7th grade and am in awe of how awesome and gorgeous they have turned out.
My dear friend and wonderful roommate from college Megan is from a family of 5 sisters. I LOVE her sisters, and I LOVE Megan. Too many crazy stories about Megan, but here is one for the books.
We use to bum rides off our guy friend, we shall call Jim, and his awesome minivan to get groceries. One evening Megan, another roommate Shelly, and I were jamming to songs in the minivan with Jim, when all of a sudden Jim slams on the brakes to avoid something and Megan wraps her arms around her stomach and yells "MY EGGS!!" The van comes to a safe stop and Shelly, Jim and I look at Megan stunned & confused, and she finally says, "My eggs in the back of the van, with all the other groceries, I didn't want them to get crushed." I don't know if you find this hilarious or not, but I am laughing hysterically right now . . and every time I think of this story. Megan is a fierce friend and will stand by you though anything. She is always up for adventure, and has no idea how to whisper . . . seriously. While her sisters are all unique they are all loyal to each other and a blast to be around.
Love my Bevans girls!
Now I made the top one first, but stewed over it for a few days and didn't like how tall they looked, and then I realized they had almost the same hair styles as the picture I drew for my niece Ali and her friends, so I put their names on that picture and changed the hair color and wa-la, it's a new picture. (Sorry it's not an original- I promise all of my pictures are, except this one).
I was asked to draw the Clark family (it was my first official Etsy order and I felt pretty cool), and while I don't know them personally, they are adorable, and I LOVE their sweet dog. Too cute. I am really starting to like drawing pets. I hope they liked their picture.
My adorable and beautiful friend Kylie asked me to draw a picture of her and her friend. I added my new favorite caption, "I would trade two of my other friends for you." I love sarcasm, probably just a little too much.
This adorable lady, Micaela, has the cutest family. Her oldest daughter is a beautiful tomboy, always reading, not necessarily because she loves books, but because she is competitive and wants to be ahead in her reading program at school. Her second daughter is all girl with the cutest dimple. I'm not quite sure how to draw dimples but I made her cheeks look a little rounder to show her cute smile. Their son is super handsome and while he is all boy he loves to help his mommy, folding laundry, etc (but Micaela and I decided a bike looked cooler than him holding a laundry basket.) The husband is a nurse and of course loves basketball. Which leads us to his wife who is beautiful and just had a sweet baby boy. (Can you tell that I LOVE lots of details when I draw a picture? I can't always fit all the details in but I see their wonderful personalities peaking through when I look at this picture).
Whenever I see this family I smile. How awesome is 4 girls? They might not always think that, but seriously, that is so adorable. We moved into a new neighborhood around 5 years ago and this family welcomed us. Rhiannon, the mom, was going for a neighborhood jog with another neighbor and saw my husband and I laying down random scraps of sod in our front yard that we found (I wont even tell you where we found it). She said, "What time do you want us to come help tomorrow morning?" she didn't even leave room for me to say no thanks. While we no longer live there I will forever be indebted to her for her willingness to jump in and help, it meant more than I think she will ever know.
I seriously enjoyed my evenings drawing with your families & friends, while listening to cheesy Christmas music like Santa Baby & George Michael's last Christmas!
Thank you!