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Christmas Nativity printable

My heart has been very full these past few weeks. I think it a combination of several things,


-Holding my sweet newborn, 
-Listening to wonderful music, especially this beautiful song by Piano Guys, I play it on repeat over and over again, 
-And thinking about Christmas. 
As I unpack my Christmas decorations there is one piece that I look forward to the most and unwrap with care. It is the nativity set I grew up with as a child. I would spend many evenings carefully rearranging the wise men, deciding who should be in front, fluffing the gold tinsel  and making sure you could see baby Jesus. 
My mom made this when she was a young mother and she passed it on to me my first year of marriage. It is one of the most precious things I own. 
I think one of the best things my mom did, was a small thing but to me it was a big thing, she let me play with her nativity. The poor donkey's ear was broken many times and mended just as many. But it was special to me and focused my time on the story of Christ's birth. 
It warms my heart when my children play with their nativities. 
I love what the angel said to the shepherds abiding in the field, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
While it is a busy time of year I am overwhelmed at the peace I have been feeling. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season and feel our Savior's peace and joy!
Here is a coloring page of the first Christmas. 
(Click on picture and save to your computer, make sure it is scaled to correct size before printing)