About Spring
Hello! My name is Spring . . yep it really is.
I am from the beautiful state of Idaho and have a pretty rad husband and 4 children I'm quite partial to. My family was the first picture I drew when I started this journey back in 2011, and will forever be my favorite people to draw.
I doodled all over my notes in high school, but didn't think much of it. In college I put the drawings down and earned my bachelor's degree in Social Work, focusing a lot of time in mental health. I am forever grateful for that education and experience. My husband and I started 2 business together and I stay busy keeping them organized and being the accountant. (I should have taken more math classes in college.)
When my oldest children were little I found myself doodling again to entertain them, and one day a little neighbor girl saw a stick figure family I drew, and asked me to draw her family. From there I started drawing more friends, neighbors and family, and then started an Etsy account and it snowballed from there. I have drawn hundreds of portraits for people all over the world and in the process made so many dear friends. The greatest gift has been the privilege to be invited into your lives and get to know so many wonderful people.
I couldn't keep up with drawing family portraits and had to start limiting how many custom portraits I draw. I have branched out and now draw digital art, calendars, clipart, coloring pages, and self published a "How to Draw a Stick Figure and so much more" book.
You can see my art has improved from my very first drawing I made of my family, quite literally a stick figure family, to what it is now. It's no Mona Lisa, but it is definitely an improvement. I love to show people how to draw and that with a little practice ANYONE can get better!
Why the title "Spring Time Doodles?" My husband has MANY nicknames for me. But the first was Spring Time. I started by calling my drawing business Spring Time Treats, with the inside joke that I can't bake and these drawings were my little treats for others, but let's be honest, that's just confusing, so I changed it to Spring Time Doodles to make it more clear what I do. Some old art work says Spring Time Treats. Same person, same business, same Spring.
Also I LOVE sunflowers and think a field of sunflowers is quite possibly the happiest sight I've ever seen.
Feel free to follow my adventures and doodles on Instagram & Facebook, I post there more frequently, than here.